Welcome to a the new year — 2021 we’ve been ready for you!
Last Wednesday’s inauguration and specifically Amanda Gorman’s poem, sparked a feeling of hope and pride for our country that I have not felt in quite some time (four years to be exact). Our country’s collective consciousness has been in dire need of a serious hug for a long time and I found her words to be just the lift and leadership I needed to hear. We have all experienced the torment that was 2020 together, so I am going to spare you my own personal recap. Let’s just say; I have always believed it best to focus on the things in life that bring joy, to stay positive, hope for the best, and let my work speak for itself, but as far as 2020 was concerned I stopped finding shiny pennies back October. I’d prefer to leave 2020 where it is now – in the past. Don’t get me wrong, I did find some sparkles along the way. So with that, a HUGE thank you to the clients, vendors, family, and friends who have been through it all with me, and I am so excited to be starting this new year with you now.
Something I think we have all learned is that life passes too quickly and we ALL could use a little more LOVE! The one thing that continues to lift me up, and that I see lifts others, is the gift of flowers. Whether they are growing in your backyard, picked in a local park or meadow pasture, or purchased from a local farm or florist. When we bring flowers into our lives, we feel better, the world feels a little more kind, and it can be easier to find hope. I’ve spent most of my life focusing on making the world a better place through the art of flowers. The new year and Wednesday’s inauguration has renewed my spirits and have left me feeling ready to get back to doing the important work.
As Amanda Gorman wrote in her inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb”;
“…We are striving to forge a union with purpose.
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all…”
And so, this is where I would like to begin for 2021. A promise to continue to look forward with open arms, and an open heart, and a studio filled with flowers to share with you all. With a renewed commitment to my craft, I hope you will continue this journey with me and consider bringing more flowers into your lives.
Valentine’s Day is Sunday, February 14th. Orders placed before 2/5/2021 will receive FREE delivery. I’ll have a special offer that will include cookies from Henny B Cakes and watch for our mini-pop-up at Easter Styles on Main Street, in Littleton. Remember, you can always order on the website or call the EH Floral studio at (603)444-7600, I’m always here to help.
Cheers to the new year!