While pinching myself, I can say that the wedding season is over for 2013 (well, except for the two upcoming in December, but to have a 6 week break between weddings I feel like I am on a much needed and serious vacation). So during this “down time” (haha!), I do things like take on-line classes about marketing (with homework assignments that include doing a blog post for November) and offer myself out to the community to teach a few classes about floral design in between finally cooking a few home cooked meals. And so, brings me to this blog post!
I will be teaching a wreath making class on November 9th for Littleton’s Nest and decided to put together quick photo shoot to show what participants will be learning (see photo’s below).
The class costs $50 and includes light refreshments, instruction, and all the materials needed to create one’s own everlasting decorative wreath perfect for indoor or outdoor, fall or winter décor. The attendants of the class at Nest will be using a mix of seasonal foliage from magnolia leaves, dusty miller, and pepper berry, along with hellebore flowers, a grape vine wreath base, and fun details like a birds nest (complementary of Nest) and more to create a beautiful seasonal wreath design. Participants will be given the opportunity to experiment creatively with classic floral design techniques of “picking” and “taping”, “gluing” and “wiring”, and an overall look at ways to manipulate floral materials to create something unique and special for your home. If you would like to be part of this class, just contact Nest today (603)259-3280!
At the end of the month I will be hosting a floral design party for friends in Vermont (a brilliant gift from a husband to his flower loving wife for her birthday). I cannot wait to share my plans for that one!
I can be hired to host and teach design classes (or parties if you prefer) easily – just call the studio or email me at emily@ehfloral.com. Custom classes are perfect for kids too! The 2014 wedding season starts again in late April, so now is the time!
Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful holiday season! I will be posting more as the weeks continue from this summer’s past weddings and upcoming online and print press features!